Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mirror Neurons - Mine's broken =P

For all the frustrated parents of teenage kids out there, here's something (that may or may not be) comforting:

Impressionable children are just that and marketers are taking every advantage of it. That's why sales of branded clothes and thing-a-ma-jigs have been better than ever. We're just wired to be better than our current selves and associate value to things that people better than us have.

I never buy branded clothing unless
a) it is heavily discounted
b) it comes bundled with freebie(s) that are value for money
c) you point a gun to my head =P

However the most insidious manipulation of mirror neurons has got to be by cigarette companies. They don't even have to show you a picture of their brand / logo / cigarette to induce the craving to smoke.

Our rational brains might cringe at the diseased body parts in cigarette warnings but our far more powerful subconscious brain over-rides rationalism in search of pleasure. Which mean those anti-smoking have gone horrible horribly wrong O_o

Today's post credited to Martin Lindstrom's 'Buy.ology '

Also I throughly enjoyed watching Ip Man again. Goes to show watching one guy beat up other guys NEVER gets old ;)


  1. And just think... I'm contemplating marketing as an eventual career.

  2. Oooh you gotta read that book then ;)

    Also your Jedi mind tricks won't work on me =P
