Thursday, December 25, 2008

This is madness...

The juggernaut that is WoW continues to stem-roll the competition...or has it become a vitcim of its own success? Epic 3 part analysis to follow

Part I - In the beginning of MMO there was...
Part II - Veni, vidi, vici
Part III - Lies, damned lies and statistics!


Love is like a drug - it can make you high but it can also kill you

Love is all not that sappy Wet Wet Wet cover! Why the weird title you ask?

1) My younger brother recently got engaged (gratz!)
2) The day I get back on MSN, my JC friend invited me to her wedding!
3) Fresh back into Facebook one of my friend announces his split with his girlfriend!
4) Another Facebook friend vented her frustrations on me about a stalker!

Seems love behaves like economic utility there's 'positive love'(lovetility) and 'negative love' (dislovetility). Too much lovelility leads to feelings of drowning and possible restraining orders while dislovetility has deterimental long run effects like resent towards other people and break-ups.

Interesting...this model shows promise and warrents more study...

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Art of Arbitrage - You're doing it wrong

I've had my eye on the big '20% discount' books at a certain bookstore for a while now and what better way to pull myself away from World of Warcraft (WoW) than with books.

A book on the history of chess for THREE DOLLARS...what a steal!!!

Then came a really puzzling and somewhat ironic. Two different versions of 'The Economic Naturalist' were being sold in two different sections of the bookstore for two different prices (WTF?!?). When asked for an explanation, the cashier could only say that the difference was due to the publisher.

My theory is they sold the more expensive one in the history section because arty-farty people would pay more for the same book while rational economists (like me =) would scope out the cheaper one. IMO this bookstore is really shooting itself in the foot and I'd stock the cheaper version in the history section quick smart.

The ironic part was I ended up NOT buying the book that used economics to explain everything, all because this discovery.

ARSE reviews Ip Mun

Fantastic gong fu flick...finally Donnie Yen breaks out of playing 2nd fiddle to Jet Li and puts in a creditable performance as Bruce Lee's mentor.

Another lost in English translation moments uncovered. Wing Chung is what the Americans calls Yong Chun. Other examples include (Chinese / Cantonese):

Dim Sim -> Dian Xin / Dim Sum
Chow Mein -> Cao Mian / Cao Meen

Seems the director went for an 'all's well that ends well aka good triumphs over evil' style. Jaw dropping fight scenes built up well to the (inevitable) climatic final battle. Be prepared for some 'OUCH' moments!

Story - Skillful recreation of China in the 1930s /1940s set, more homage to famed gong fu master than detailed historical chronicle. The 'Bruce Lee's teacher' angle was pure marketing spin (6.5/10).

Pace - 2 hours seemed comfortable enough for a typical Chinese gong fu flick. Main character took center stage with supportings characters playing their part competently (7/10).

Cast - Mostly forgettable performances from supporting cast the only complaint. Donnie is a lean mean fighting machine WOW (7/10).

Overall - Must see for fans of Jet Li's 'Once Upon a Time' & 'Fong Sai Yuk' series. Also a good experience for those uninitiated with old school Chinese gong fu movies (7/10).